
Tel: 0518-87785226
Fax: 0518-87785116

Mobile Hotline: 18105127558
Add:Huayuan Road No.188,Donghai Country, Lianyungang, Jiangsu, China

Product NameTransparent Clear Quartz Tube

This is clear transparent fused quartz glass tube available as continuous machine drawn and automatic controlled tubing. This clear transparent quartz glass had the typical characteriastics of high purity, good spectral transmission, well controlled dimension and lower OH etc.

It is used as  heat resistant tube glass material for halogen lamps, mercury lamps, metal halide lamps and other quartz lamps.

This clear tranparent tube glass can be supplied in the range of 2-5000mm outside diameter, 0.5-10.0mm wall thickness and 1200-3000mm length.

Exhaust tubes with good CPK are suitable for high-speed streamline production. And further processing of trim cutting, fire polishing, bending and pinching and etc. This Quartz Tube can be done according to the requirement of customers. OH-content can be controled within 20ppm,15ppm,10ppm,5ppm,2ppm according to the order.

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