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Colorful Mineral - to start and run quartz Product
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Donghai  colorful  mineral products company - to  start and create the quartz products, quartz supermarket.
Lianyungang Donghai Colorful Mineral products use local high qualityn quartz ore sonte, integrating the company's own quartz sand, quartz powder, silica powder, fused silica sand powder, high purity quartz sand powder product line resources, together with other Colorful  mineral products  like quartz tube, large diameter quartz tube, quartzquality products resources, and other quartz instrument specialized custom enterprise, the quartz electric light  materials, want to build a quartz products center create a new quartz products, which for the majority of enterprises and institutions , fully buying experience and a new quartz product  sourcing platform-based meta-materials, covering the of quartz products a full range of products quartz supermarket.
Tel: 0518-87785226 87785336 18105127558    Fax: 0518-87785116   E-mail:
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