
Tel: 0518-87785226
Fax: 0518-87785116

Mobile Hotline: 18105127558
Add:Huayuan Road No.188,Donghai Country, Lianyungang, Jiangsu, China

Product NameUltrafine Fused Silica Powder

Ultrafine fused quartz powder superfine fused silica powder
Special ceramics with Ultrafine Fused Silica Powder is  Lianyungang Donghai  colorful mineral product company through a unique treatment process from processing, quality melting quartz crystal structure by the ordered arrangement into a random arrangement. Ultrafine fused Quartz Powder is with higher product purity, white color, superfine fused quartz powder has a very low coefficient of linear expansion and good electromagnetic radiation, reasonably controlled particle size distribution and other excellent characteristics.

Superfine  fused silica powder is mainly used for large-scale integrated circuits and semiconductor components of the package,  high-grade electrical insulation, silicone rubber and other industries.
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