
Tel: 0518-87785226
Fax: 0518-87785116

Mobile Hotline: 18105127558
Add:Huayuan Road No.188,Donghai Country, Lianyungang, Jiangsu, China

Product Namesilicone filler micron silica powder

                                                        Silica Gel microsilica
Silicone filler microsilica products Keywords: silicone filler quartz powder silicon rubber filler microsilica silica the silica packing ultrafine silica silicone epoxy glue filler ultrafine silica powder company the silicone filler microsilica silica packing microsilica supply businesses silica packing silicon powder production plant

The silica packing microsilica, silicone rubber with silica powder Donghai County high purity natural quartz the Lianyungang Donghai rich color Mineral Products Company, by calcination to deal with the unique cleaning and iron-free grinding process production and processing from its white color, pure quality a high degree of transparency. Chemical stability, acid and alkali, large specific surface area, and voids developed surfactant, dispersing performance, low oil absorption, thickening, high temperature resistance, electrical insulation, anti-UV, not stirred with silica gel or heating will change color and other characteristics
My last silicone filler silica powder epoxy adhesive filler microsilica set production many years of application experience, the technology is mature and stable physical and chemical properties and reasonable, controllable particle size distribution. Is now widely used in rubber, paints and coatings, electronic packaging materials, silicon substrate, functional chemical fibers, functional plastics, advanced ceramics, specialty refractories, sealants, adhesives and chemicals, pharmaceuticals, pesticides and other fields.

Lianyungang Donghai color-rich mineral products company can produce all product supply from 800 mesh to 5000 purpose, and can be customized according to customer requirements related products, customers do in Zhuhai, Guangdong, Guangzhou, Shenzhen, Zhuhai, Huizhou, Dongguan reflect the effect of silicone products, high whiteness, transparency, and greatly reduce the production cost for the customer, is an excellent silica packing.



Tel: 0518-87785226 87785336 18105127558    Fax: 0518-87785116   E-mail:
Add: Garden Rd.188#, Donghai County ,jiangsu,China   2012-2018 All Right Reserved Donghai Colorful Mineral Product Co.,Ltd | support [manage]